SEO Search Engine Optimization + Search Marketing Services

OPTIMIZATION is our mindset

search engine optimization is at the core of ALL we do

SEO the key to online success


SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Our passion since 2003, and a dark science until few years ago.

Today everybody knows that if a website is not optimized to perform on search engines… well, it won’t perform on search engines. The site will get little organic traffic, and to increase visitors the only way is with ads.

Let’s talk about your search engine optimization needs.

Working together with your team and your agency


Already have an internal team or an agency in charge for building and running your website, but you missed out on search engine optimization?

We can run a full SEO assessment on your site, reviewing every single page, every link, every image and also all site architecture and plugins settings, and we’ll provide your team or agency with a complete assessment report that will show where and what content needs to be optimized.

We can provide the optimized content you will need to replace on your website, and we’ll offer full support yo your company’s implementation team.

Contact us for a free analysis of your site optimization.

Find the magic keywords

SEO Keyword research

Need to find the right keywords to optimize your site or content? Need to search for the most performing keywords for your ad campaigns?

Brainstorming for the launch of a new brand or product line, or want to monitor a specific sector or competitors?

Then what you need is a solid, in-deep, on-target keyword research.

We can start researching right after your brief.

Online PR is great for SEO


Publicists know that any news, even the smallest one, is always worth a press release.

On the web, any chance to adopt online PR converts into multiple SEO advantages: link building, more optimized content and branded search results, and additional traffic.

And that’s besides controlling your brand reputation and narrative.

We’re ready to broadcast your PR if you are.

white hat organic only


We don’t spam. We don’t do dirty (black hat) tricks to get you an unearned authority on search engines results. Such spammy tricks are things of the past, as today are grounds to be heavily penalized by search engines.

We are ethical, white hat search engine marketers, and we will work very hard to let you organically earn that authority and traffic, one optimization at a time.

Let’s talk if you want to get organic SEO traffic.

Dominate search results


Dominate the search result page thanks to the power of Schema, SEO rich snippets and FAQs. Reach an even more pervasive search engine results relevance by SEO optimizing also pictures, videos and multimedia assets.

Besides integrating Schema tags to your website content, we can help you create useful, resourceful and obviously SEO optimized content for your FAQ section.

Are you ready to appear everywhere on search engines results?

optimize everything


In the universal search era, you need to go beyond optimizing links, text and images. A better web performance can be achieved by optimizing also all social media content and multimedia assets, and not just those to be published online.

Optimizing media assets helps optimize internal shared document and media workflows.

Let us know which media you need to optimize, or if you want us to train your team to do so.

SEO ghostwriting for BLOGS


Don’t have the time, the resources or the skills to run and manage a content marketing campaign? Writing relevant optimized blog articles that drive traffic is an impossible task?

We can help you with SEO content production of optimized articles for your blog.

We can also train your team in how to be independent in writing SEO blog articles, and how to manage them in a content marketing optic.

Let’s plan together your SEO content needs.

Boost up with SEO your site


Your website might work just fine, but is not getting the right volumes of organic traffic, classic SEO problem.

Your web pages might not have enough optimized content to be indexed by search engines, or might not have SEO content at all. And probably your web developer didn’t think about optimizing images, videos and other multimedia content. We can jump in and fix it all.

Just tell us if you want us rewrite your website website content with SEO in mind.

Beyond keywords and links


SEO copywriting is a SEO content strategy aimed at making a web page relevant for specific keywords for the organic results on search engines.

That’s only the first goal, SEO copywriting must be also relevant and performing (meaning converting) to the eyes of human website visitors.

SEO copywriting is when the art of SEO meets the art of copywriting, and we are pretty good artists when it comes to SEO copywriting.

Let’s talk about your SEO copywriting needs.

optimized for local


Sometimes all a business needs is to be popular and relevant for a very specific local region.

A local-focused approach is needed, starting with your content, that must be optimized to be locally relevant.

Some technical settings will also need to be implemented on the website, and instructed to search engines’ algorithms.

Ready to go local with your SEO strategy?

optimized for international

International SEO

We speak English. On parle Français. Hablamos Español. E siamo italiani, quindi parliamo Italiano. Most of all, we have direct SEO experience with all those four languages.

We don’t speak all the languages of the world, but we have an international network of SEO collaborators we can plug into, if needed, to get help in optimizing your content in any language.

Ready to go international with your SEO strategy?

optimize your workflow


Optimizing media assets helps the internal workflows of shared document and media. Making media assets retrieving and sharing fast and easy increases productivity.

This is relevant in the case of big media archives and libraries, or for remote working. We can create an indexing methodology to optimize your internal media assets. We can also train your team in managing media assets in a performing way.

Call us to evaluate your asset SEO needs.

optimized for performance


WordPress is an amazing Content Management System (CMS), one the most used platforms on the web. Solid, reliable, flexible, secure, it also comes with some basic native SEO features in its latest versions.

“Basic native features” is not enough if you want your website to be relevant on search engines, and WordPress needs some SEO workout to make your website really SEO-proof.

We are very experienced in optimizing WordPress inside out.

strategy + architecture


It’s no secret that one of the key parameters of search engines’ algorithms refers to the performance of a website in terms of “speed”, meaning loading fast.

The reasons for a site to be slow on loading can be many, from running a non updated website, to featuring non-optimized heavy content such as large images or self-hosted videos.

Also the use of too many (not always needed) plugins, CSS and javascript codes can dramatically delay the “speed performance” of your website.

Get in touch with us for a first free evaluation on how to make your website faster.

Understanding your traffic


The key in running any successful marketing strategy, campaign or initiative, either online and offline, is the ability of measuring its results.

This gives the ability not only to understand the behaviour and the intentions of users on a website but also, thanks to social graphs, extends such analytics targeting also to the traffic of website visitors you receive thanks to your company’s social media marketing initiatives and efforts.

We can help you set up, integrate and make sense of your web and social analytics. Furthermore, we can help you turn traffic reports into actionable plans, and help you plan new and more targeted digital marketing initiatives. 

Contact us to dive together into the world of web and social analytics.

taking care of tech


Taking care of a website’s health is a priority, like taking care of plants in gardening. If plants don’t get water and care, they’ll die. If a website won’t get maintenance and updates, it might crash, or be at risk of being hacked.

Websites need maintenance: regular updates of platform, theme, plugins and database, regular (at least monthly) back-ups and interventions on the hosting space, as well as with Google’s and Bing’s Webmaster Tools. Other classic webmastering services can include website migrations, domain transfers and other back-end technical support.

When we develop a website, we alway offer a free first year of webmastering services. After the first year, the service get offered at a very affordable and ethical yearly price.

Contact us if you need somebody to take care of your website’s tech needs.

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We don't like advertising and corporate media, but we believe in the power of communication.